Geoff McDonald - Keynote Speaker, Business Transformation Advisor & Mental Health Campaigner

Geoff McDonald was once Global VP of Human Resources with us here at Unilever. But after being diagnosed with anxiety-fuelled depression, he discovered a new purpose: ending the stigma of depression and anxiety in the workplace. He now works as a global advocate, campaigner and consultant.

Things have changed since Geoff was at Unilever. Every year we take more and more positive actions towards building a workplace that supports and nurtures mental health. I’ve talked before about the things we are doing at Unilever to put Mental Health at the forefront (“Why we take mental health seriously at Unilever”), including our Wellbeing app and the Unilever Employee Assistance programme which ensures all our employees are “1 Chat, 1 Call or 1 Click” from the support they need.

But there is always more to be done, which is why I was so thrilled to spend time with Geoff for a Learn With Leena session. I hope you enjoy our conversation!

Read the full article here